Tune into the Future
Hochgeladen am 14. Jan 2025 17:39
Genre: Allgemein
Kategorie: Doku
Unterkategorie: UNTOUCHED
Größe: 21312 MB
Format: BDMV/ISO
Passwort: ohne Passwort
Dokumentationen von Amazon Prime Video.
Y O U A R E N O W A B O U T T O W I T N E S S T H E S T R E N G T H O F S T R E E T K N O W L E D G E _,xxil ,,__ ,,yiXXXXXXXX,xdXXXXXXXXXk, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXk lXxx,_ ,di XXXXXXXXXX73XXXXXXXXXX :XXXXXl ,dXXXi XXXXXX7 lXXXXXXXX7 ,XXXXXl ,dXXXXXX XXXXXl ,XXXXXXX7 Xl .XXXXXXXXXX X7 ,dXXXXXXXXXXXXXiix,, .dXXXXXXXXXXXX 4XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXi, /XXXXXXXXXX 4XXXXXXXXXXXXX: XXXXXXXXXX ,,xxiX lXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX. XXXXXXXXi ,XXXXXXXXXXXXXX lXxx,,,_ XXXXXXXXXX.XXXXXXXXXkx ,,xdXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ,XXXXXXXl ,,xXXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7 ,XXXXXXXX: ,,x lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7 ,XXXXXXXXXl : lXXXXX lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXiy,,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX7_,yXXXXXXXXXXX: lXXXXX lXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX77777 L A C O S A N O S T R A [ 13 ]_/ /X /X X Tune.into.the.Future.2020.COMPLETE.BLURAY13 X/ /X [13] /X X X/ Date: 20250113 Quality: 1920x1080 Source: Retail BLURAY 30,03mb/s Runtime: 80mins Size: 21,05GB / 45x500MB Language: English Audio: English / DTSHD Master Audio / 2012 kbps 2.0 / 48 kHz / 24bit (DTS Core: 2.0 / 48 kHz 1509 kbps / 24bit) Subtitles: English (forced) English (SDH) URL: https //www.imdb.com/title/tt5788180 X X/ RELEASE NOTES /X __/X X X/ /X /X X Tune into the Future (2020 X/ /X /X X Tune Into The Future is a documentary which explores how thinking /X about tomorrow became a popculture phenomenon called Science X Fiction. Despite rich and varied origins, there is one name which /X can be credited with singlehandedly shaping the way we understand X science fiction today as a genre. It was Hugo Gernsback who stuck /X his hand into the soup of early 20th century pulp literature and X fished out science fiction giving it its name and a clear /X definition, turning it into a genre that anyone could engage with. X His goal was to inspire and to stimulate young minds into /X speculating about how science would shape our future and to come up . X with tomorrows new inventions. In the process, he created science /X fiction. The fan community growing around the genre turns science X fiction into a cultural movement and keeps it in constant evolution, . /X each generation adapting it to current scientific progress, but also . X to the hopes and fears of its time. Guided by authors, historians, /X filmmakers, astronomers and rocket scientists, Tune Into The Future . X weaves together interviews, animation and popculture references to . /X take the viewer on a fascinating and entertaining journey to witness . X this evolution. But also to discover that the way we tell stories /X about tomorrow really reveals more about ourselves today than about . X the future. /X /X X Happy 13th X/ /X Enjoy another fine release from the 13 family 25 /X X/X/ GROUP NEWS /X __/X X X/ /X 13 is here to bring you the best of skate/surf/snow/cycling and other /X X/ quality releases. We are always looking for quality members. We pride X/ /X ourselves as the best of the best and are dedicated to moving the /X X/ scene a long for the next generation If this sounds like you and you X/ /X can help Supply (Buy/Store Pickup/Etc , Infrastructure(nix shells /X X/ secure sites, etc) on fast secure networks, Engineer (Rip,Crack,Hack X/ /X Draw,Paint,Design,Program) or have some other wonderful skill we did /X X/ not think of, contact us right away X/ /X /X X/ Often 13 releases very small run / independent movies We want to be X/ /X clear that we do NOT condone the distribution or profiting from these /X X/ releases. We always attempt to provide a URL where you can purchase X/ /X these releases. If it is sold out, contact them and donate toward the /X X/ film. They rely on our love of these subjects to take them a step X/ /X further. Do not be cheap Buy this release /X X X/ /X Another 13 release Thank you to all of you who support our team /X X/ We will keep trying to find you the underground shit in 2025 X/ /X /X X/ Interested to join our family Get in touch at your nearest 13 spot X/ /X /X X/ Enjoy another nice pre from the underground. Cant stop, wont stop X/ /X 13 /X X/X/ BiGUP TO FRiENDS NEW OLD /X __/X X X/ /X diViNE sTYLERs AEROHOLiCS DiAMOND SNOW BAD KARMA SNK /X X GREiD FTD DEF FNT CORE DCS RAZOR 1911 DIMENSION X/ /X KILLERS XSTREEM TWS C4F SCARED OBiTS FONT REGRET /X X AVS LOL 2HD DVT kE REPLiCA BLOW COCAiN GHOULS X/ /X TRSi LiGHTFORCE VENOM CENTROPY BiPOLAR MANiC FKK /X X X/ /X /X X/X/ mKdS WE ARE ALL FAMiLY, ASHES TO ASHES, DUST TO DUST X/X/ [ 13 2016 2025 IMDB: 7,5/10

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